What happens when insulin is rapidly released into the body?


Insulin-Rapid Release 

When there is a rapid release of glucose it will cause an increased release of insulin most of this will be stored as fat

This is because of the rate of glucose that has been released, rather than the total amount of glucose being released Even on a low calorie diet, glucose can be stored as fat. So how fast the glucose is released is as important as how much glucose is in the blood

So if you want to lose weight you must cut out them sugary foods even if you think once in a while is ok. On top of this you must choose the right food and it must be digested correctly.

Taking blood sugars. A.C.S a registered nutritional therapist.


When on a diet one should never feel hungry and one should always make sure they are getting all of their daily nutrients.


When I do a nutritional plan for a client even in a calorie restriction, all nutritional needs are met, no one has ever said they have felt hungry.

Understanding the interactions between glucose and insulin

What is important in understanding this interactions between glucose and insulin is the fact that glucose, is the major stimulus for insulin secretion. Fructose, which is the main sugar within fruits will have much less of an effect on the release of insulin Once fructose has been processed within the liver, it can then affect the glucose levels. This means that fructose will not directly cause a spike of glucose within the bloodstream directly from the gut, which therefore means there will not  be a corresponding over released of insulin.


Fructose as well as amino acids can both stimulate the release of higher amounts of insulin when the levels of glucose are already high.

When it comes to obesity and insulin levels, it becomes harder to lose weight when a persons insulin levels are always elevated. Due to this very little fat will be mobilised Rather, circumstances then exist that favor just the formation of new fat and not the breakdown of old fat. For this reason it’s vital to understand what causes chronically elevated levels of insulin to develop and to persist in the blood.


Here’s where the situation can become enormously frustrating for the obese person. Their cells can become less responsive to insulin over time. This is largely because obese people have repeatedly spiked their glucose levels by eating hig sugary foods, processed foods and not digesting their foods properly. This means they have been having large spikes of insulin. This has caused  the cells to have a burnout effect

Becoming resistance 

The average obese Pearson becomes resistance to the effects of what insulin does within the body cells. Insulin resistance arouses the pancreas into producing even more insulin until the job of the insulin has been completely done.


When the regular dose of insulin doesn’t do its job, the pancreas “perceives” that more insulin is needed.


And this is the metabolic profile of most obese people who are not diabetic: which causes elevated insulin levels around the clock.


This means regardless of he size of a meal fat deposits will results due to chronic elevated excess of insulin levels. This is wh people even eating smaller portions find it difficult to lose weight.  

So how can obese people with persistent chronic elevated levels of insulin lose weight and battle their conditions?


First like any chronic health conditions having persistently highten levels of insulin may nit be completely reversabale. This doesn’t mean you shouldn’t try to become a healthier weight.

To start a person has to take responsibility for their previous actions and hold them self accountable not just for their past but for their future actions. This is where the great variety of responses will occur as similarly obese people around 50% of the time, insulin resistance can be reduced or even eliminated by choosing the right foods and eating them properly.

Clinically, this will mean that following the my recommendations  will result in weight loss that ranges from non-existent to dramatic weight loss.


Explain digestion

A woman holding flowers  A.C.S a registered nutritional therapist.

In a long, twisting series of tubes from the mouth to the anus is the GI tract also known as the digestive tract, and digestive system.


The main bulk of the digestive tract is made up of hollow tubes which includes Our mouth, oesophagus, stomach, small intestine, large intestine, and anus.


Our small intestine has three parts, the first part is called the duodenum, Then there is the jejunum which is in the middle and then the ileum is at the end.


The large intestine includes the appendix, cecum, colon, and rectum. There are solid organs involved in digestion which are the liver, pancreas, and gallbladder, as we swallow our food or any liquids that we take in our diet, the muscle behind that food or liquid will contract and squeezes the food or liquid forward, while the muscle in front of the food or liquid relaxes, this allow the food to move forward.


This process is known as peristalsis and happens throughout all the large hallow organs within our digestive tract. And mixes with the food or liquid in each of the organs.


Once we have chewed our food using our teeth and tongue it starts to mix with saliva. Our salivary glands secret around 1.5 litres a day. There are two types of Saliva, they are thinner, this one which is watery is used to wet the food. And a thicker one of a more mucus nature which is used for lubrication, and it aids with sticking foods together to form a bolus.


Once our tongue pushes our food to the back of our throat it moves over a small flap of tissue, called the epiglottis, this tissue folds over your windpipe to prevent choking and the food passes into your oesophagus


This is where peristalsis takes over and the process becomes automatic. Your brain will send a signal to the muscles of the oesophagus and peristalsis begins. Once the food moves down the oesophageal There is a ringlike muscle called the lower oesophageal sphincter this relaxes and lets food pass into your stomach.

Entering the stomach  

Once the food has entered our stomach. Our stomach muscles mix the food and liquid with digestive juices. At this point the stomach slowly empties its contents, called chyme, into your small intestine.


With added help from the digestive juices from the pancreas, liver, and intestine. The muscle of the small intestine mixes the food, here is where the water is absorbed into the bloodstream along with the nutrients that has been digested.

As we carry on through the digestive tract we reach the large intestine its here thst waste products which includes old dead cells from the lining of the digestive system, fluid, and undigested foods such a fibre which includes both types of fibre soluble and insoluble fibre

Both types of fibre are as important as each other, Insoluble fibre provides bulk to our stool and food for our healthy gut bacteria, and soluble fibre helps slow down digestion and can even has a positive impact on heart health.

Within the large intestine it absorbs the liquid and changes the waste from liquid into a sold known as stool. Peristalsis again moves the stool into our rectum, here at the lower end of the large intestine the stool is kept until a bowl movement occurs, when this happens peristalsis pushes the stool out of our anus.

The amount of time digestion takes

will varies among individuals and between men and women. Once we taken the food into our mouth. It can takes about six to eight hours for food to pass through the stomach and small intestine. After this it enters the large intestine where it is further digestion, Hear the absorption of water happens and, finally, the elimination of undigested food.


This takes around 36 hours for food to move through the entire colon. Overall, the entire process from the time you swallow food to the time it leaves your body as feces takes about two to five days, again this is depending on the individual.


The overall process of digestion is required to break down food into the nutrients, which the body requires for the uses of energy, along with growth, development and cell repair.


Part two of this blog on how to properly digest your food, diseases caused by undigested food will be out soon.


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By Aaron Christopher Slade.

A.C.S Nutritional Therapist and weight loss specialist. A registered nutritional therapist.

A.C.S Nutritional Therapist and weight loss specialist.
A registered nutritional therapist.