Getting kids Active” Balancing Screens and Sunshine:


Getting kids Active” Balancing Screens and Sunshine:


Getting kids active. A blog by A.C.S a registered nutritional therapist

Getting kids active, In today’s digital age, can be difficult, children are spending more time than ever on screens, from smartphones and tablets to video games and social media. While technology has its benefits, it’s equally important to encourage our kids to maintain a healthy balance by staying active and spending time outdoors. In this blog, we’ll explore practical tips to motivate children to get off their phones and prioritise their physical well-being.


  1. Getting kids active by Being a Role Model:

Children often mimic their parents’ behaviour. Lead by example and show them that you value an active lifestyle. Engage in physical activities as a family, whether it’s hiking, biking, or simply playing in the park. When kids see you enjoying outdoor activities, they are more likely to follow suit.

  1. Set Realistic Limits:

Establish screen time limits for your children. Create a schedule that designates specific times for homework, chores, and screen time. Be consistent in enforcing these limits, and communicate the importance of balance in their lives.

  1. Offer Alternative Activities:

Provide alternative activities that pique your child’s interest. Encourage them to explore hobbies like sports, art, music, or gardening. By offering diverse options, you can help them discover new passions beyond screens.

  1. Getting kids active by Make Outdoor Time Fun:

Make outdoor activities enjoyable and engaging. Organise family outings to the beach, nature reserves, or local parks. Plan picnics, scavenger hunts, or nature walks to make outdoor time an exciting adventure.

  1. Limit Screen Access in Bedrooms:

Avoid allowing screens in your child’s bedroom, especially at bedtime. The blue light emitted from screens can interfere with sleep patterns. Create a tech-free sleep environment to ensure they get restful nights.

  1. Getting kids active by Encourage Team Sports:

Team sports like soccer, basketball, or swimming can be both physically and socially rewarding for kids. Enrol them in local sports leagues or community programs to foster teamwork and physical fitness.

  1. Be Supportive, Not Coercive:

Encourage, but don’t force physical activities. Listen to your child’s interests and preferences, and be supportive of their choices. Remember that the goal is to install a love for being active, not to create resistance.

  1. Plan Active Family Time:

Designate regular family time for active pursuits. Go for family bike rides, play Frisbee, or take nature hikes together. These shared experiences create lasting memories and strengthen family bonds.

  1. Educate About Health Benefits:

Explain the importance of physical activity and its positive effects on overall health. Teach your children about the benefits of exercise, including improved mood, increased energy, and better physical fitness.

  1. Reward Achievements:

Celebrate your child’s achievements and milestones in their active pursuits. Whether it’s finishing a race, learning a new skill, or simply spending more time outdoors, recognising their efforts can boost their motivation.

11.  Fun free Activities

Engaging children in fun and cost-free activities not only sparks creativity but also fosters a sense of joy and exploration. Here are some delightful and budget-friendly activities to keep kids entertained:

1.      Nature Scavenger Hunt:
Encourage outdoor exploration by creating a scavenger hunt in a nearby park or backyard. Kids can search for specific leaves, rocks, or even different types of birds. It’s a fantastic way to connect with nature while having fun.

2.      DIY Arts and Crafts:
Raid the recycling bin for materials and let imaginations run wild. Cardboard, paper rolls, and old magazines can transform into colourful masterpieces. This not only stimulates creativity but also enhances fine motor skills.
3.      Indoor Obstacle Course:
Transform your living room into an obstacle course using cushions, pillows, and other household items. This activity not only provides physical exercise but also encourages problem-solving and planning.
4.      Story time:
Cultivate a love for reading by having a story time session. Visit the local library or explore online resources for a vast selection of children’s books. You can take turns reading or create a storytelling circle, allowing kids to invent their own imaginative tales.
5.      Backyard Camping:
Set up a makeshift campsite in the backyard. Whether it’s stargazing, telling stories around a “campfire” (flash light), or simply enjoying the outdoors, backyard camping is an adventurous and cost-free activity.
6.      Baking and Cooking Adventures:
Involve kids in the kitchen by trying out simple baking or cooking recipes. It’s not only a tasty way to spend time together but also an opportunity to teach them about measurements and following instructions.
7.      DIY Science Experiments:
Conduct simple science experiments at home using common household items. Create a volcano with baking soda and vinegar or explore the magic of static electricity with balloons. These experiments make learning fun and engaging.

Encouraging these activities not only provides entertainment but also nurtures essential skills and bonds between children and caregivers. The best part? They’re all easy on the wallet.

Getting kids active the Conclusion:

Balancing screen time and physical activity is crucial for the health and development of our children. By being role models, setting limits, offering alternatives, and making outdoor time enjoyable, we can encourage our kids to put down their phones and embrace an active, healthy lifestyle. Ultimately, it’s about nurturing a lifelong appreciation for the great outdoors and the benefits of staying active.



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A.C.S Nutritional Therapist and weight loss specialist. A registered nutritional therapist.

A.C.S Nutritional Therapist and weight loss specialist.
A registered nutritional therapist.


By Aaron Christopher Slade