Information on mental health in young people part two

Information on mental health in young people


Adult responsibility.

This is where if a person within a family setting has a long-term physical Illness, then they may need to function as a career which mean taking in adult responsibilities.

Children mental health

Parent issue,

This could be suffering from a loss of a family member or friend, or when their parent has an alcohol or drug addiction or are experiencing abuse, or if their parent is suffering from mental health.

Family disharmony

This can happen if they experience neglect, if their family life has been in disarray due to a divorce or where they have become homeless, and their life has become destroyed.


This can happen to a child or young person by a friend of, or family member and can even happen by someone that should have been able to be trusted.


This can happen if they feel discriminated against due to factors including race, sexuality, religion

Protective factors which can be put into place can help keep children and young people mental well.

If the family setting is that of, they all get along and are happy, eating a well-balanced diet, being physically active, then they will benefit from a more stable life and feel safe.

If they attend school settings, play with friends, joining clubs and maintains a well-balanced lifestyle it is more likely hey will develop a healthier mental health and wellbeing.

Enjoying life and enjoying them self can lead to optimism, hopefulness and belonging in an all-round setting of school, community, and family setting. Giving them control and freedom of their life choices.

The role of resilience,

Resilience is the ability to recover from adversity and protective factors this can help increase resilience. Risk factors increase the vulnerability.

Building strong relationships and resilience will help young people and their families to adjust and overcome difficulties and adversity.

Helping people to recognise risk and protective factors can help build children and young people’s resilience when they are faced with adversity which can help them deal and overcome situation quicker and more effectively, we will be helping them to recognise signs for them self.

Information on mental health in young people  part two

Children’s mental health

resilience in children and young people can be increased by the family setting, when there is a good family bond with a well-balanced life including school, diet being active. It is important to build resilience as resilience help to overcome and better deal with situations that can harm, damage mental health and wellbeing, gaining the strength to cope when something goes wrong and to help solve problems. building resilience can help protect people from unhealthy behaviours such as drug and alcohol abuse, unprotected sex, smoking and help them to build good relationships build strong mental capability and better coping mechanism.

Resilience refers to the ability to manage everyday stressors and challenges.

Resilience enables people to shift back along the mental health continuum towards good mental health. A child or young person’s ability to be resilient can depend upon many things and can change depending upon their situation. Importantly, specific situations or events that one child or young person may find challenging, another may not. Learn more about how you can help build resilience in children.

A child or young person who is resilient might:

  • be optimistic
  • use positive self-talk for encouragement
  • have a positive sense of sel
  • identify and express their feelings and thoughts
  • not hide away from strong feelings
  • have helpful, age-appropriate strategies to manage their emotions when upset
  • rearrange their plans to work around an unexpected situation
  • have a sense of agency or responsibility
  • keep on trying if something does not work out and use their judgment about when to stop
  • hold a sense of purpose or hope for the future
  • actively ask for help if they need it feel a sense of attachment to family, their learning community and to learning.

Puberty can develop as early as eight years of age up until fourteen years of age, girls tend to start puberty around the age of eleven and boys around the age of twelve. But this can be different for everyone. Girls will develop breast and start their periods around 11 years and around twelve years of age the vocal in buys will deepen and the development of facial hair will appear.

Girls will notice their breast starting to grow and nay notice pubic hair breast will grow for a couple of years becoming fuller and they will have their first period. They will sweat more, there hair will grow more and they may develop acne. They will have a growth spurt until adult height is achieved, as well as gaining weight as their body starts to shape.

Boys going through puberty will notice first that their pubic hair is growing and over the next few years more body hair will appear. They will start to sweat more and develop acne like girls do and have a growth spurt if around three inches a year and become more muscular after four years from the start of puberty boys will stop growing after taking in a pan adult shape, they will start to shave but can often fill out more reaching adulthood maturity around eighteen years of age

Children’s mental health

Puberty can make a young person feel self-conscious about them self as they start to develop into adulthood. Coping with changes like body odour, acne, can be difficult to cope with.

Often comparing them self to other their age how

Ever this could be a comparison at diverse levels of development

Hormones develop around puberty can often lead to new emotions and new feelings which can have psychological and emotional effects such as unexplained mood swings, low self-esteem aggression and depression, this can lead to trying different diets and eating patterns become more sulkier, having romantic feelings towards friends. And seek excitement.

Puberty can often lead to different personal identity this is due to the body changing in growth, and development making a young person become an adult and taking on maturity and having to have more consideration and how they perceive them self becomes more important

A poor body image is feeling pressure to look like or to have the perspective body type, feeling unhappy when they feel they do not look the way they want.

Puberty brings new physical changes that occurred during puberty bring new social and emotional changes along with affecting the body and brain this alters children interest mood as they start to feel, act, and look different, social influences can accelerate these social and emotional changes.

Developmental changes.

Young people going through puberty need to develop as strong self-esteem to help them mature and develop different strategies to help them manage relationships in different contexts. This includes education and employment including in family and friends’ settings

Addition problems. Such going through childhood trauma or multiple traumas can disruptively events but the time they puberty and the changes puberty brings. This includes abuse, neglect, bereavement, poverty, and homelessness. Lack of education or lack of continued education can bring on different additional programs on top of their growing needs and concerns.

Giving support to young people from an early age will help with these situations as they are less likely to get involved in unhealthy behaviour such as smoking, alcohol, drugs, unprotected sex, and even crime.

As a young person is transitioning into adulthood the relationships with their supporting adults can help protect them against varied factors that life may throw at them

Types of abuse


is a behaviour that can cause harm to a person, this includes hitting, punching, spreading rumours, threatening a person, or undermining them. All of these types of bulling can take place in different settings, this can include, home, youth clubs, schools as well as online. Bullying is normally over a period of time which can cause distress causing physical and emotional harm.


Is when the needs of a child are not met on a continuous basis, this can be from not having clean clothes and going hungry, not having the right sort of accommodation or health care. Being left unsupervised educational neglect is when a child or young person are not being kept in schools by their parents. Emotional neglect can be when a child feels in-timid stead or isolated, when they feel ignored or when they are being humiliated.

Medical negligent is when a child or young person do not get the right care be it dental or hospital care.

Domestic abuse

Is when a person is being controlled, bullied threaten or any form or violent behaviour is put towards the child or young person. This also includes if the child or young person is witnessing any domestic abuse as these counts as child abide. Physical abuse is any way of intentionally causing physical harm to a child or young person. This also includes making up symptoms of an illness or causing a child to become unwell.

Sexual abuse

This is forcing or tricking a child or young person into any form of sexual activity. Most the time this can happen when a child is unaware of what is actually taking place and are not aware what is happening is against the law. Exploited they are given bribes in exchanged for doing sexual activities and to nit talk about what has happen. Grooming is when a child or young person has been tricked into believing that the person doing the grooming loves them and are in a loving relationship This can take place online as well as in person. If a child is intimidated, then they can be trafficked and sexually assaulted around the country. Sexual bullying can include sexual name calling, crude comments, vulgar gestures, uninvited touching, sexual propositioning, use of pornographic material.

Sexting can also lead to cyber bullying, in a breakup situation a photo shared around without the person consent.

Prejudicial bullying. Is based on prejudice children and young people may have to different races, religions, or sexual orientation. This can lead to hate crime.

All bullies are different and cannot be put into one group, all have varied reasons for why they cause harm to other.

Criminal exploitation

Is when children and young adult are manipulated into committing a crime. This can happen through no fault of their own this can be because of violence or being pressured into doing things including stealing from loved ones, shops, carrying drugs and weapons, they may be abused, exploited, or forced into dangerous situations.

Domestic abuse is any type of controlling, threatening, bullying or violet behaviour that takes place within a relationship. inside or outside the home. If a child was to witness domestic abuse, then it could cause harm towards that child, and this is also known as child abuse.

Serious impact, when a child lives through and witnesses domestic abuse it can have a serious Impact in their mental health and physical wellbeing. Effecting their behaviour that can last for years.

Keeping abuse to them self

It is difficult to know if domestic abuse is happening as very often the person doing the abuse is vastly different around other people. This can cause confusion to a child or young person who witnessed domestic abuse and can therefore keep the abuse to them self.

Stable environment

It is important that domestic abuse stops and that a child or young person had a safe and loving environment to grow in

The effects of bullying can last into adulthood it can lead to self-harm and death. There is no sure sign that someone is being bullied and may seem more vulnerable than other. Children can be bullied for reasons including, Race, ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, low self-esteem, shy introverted. Wearing glasses, a change of school, haircut, family circumstances

Other different forms of bulling happen to people who are popular or clever, having wonderful things, being good looking.

Information on mental health in young people  part two

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By Aaron Christopher Slade

A.C.S Nutritional Therapist and weight loss specialist. A registered nutritional therapist.

A.C.S Nutritional Therapist and weight loss specialist.
A registered nutritional therapist.