Explaining essential nutrients

Explaining essential nutrients

Essential nutrients are what helps us avoid, fight, and prevent diseases. They help us stay healthy and fit. they promote growth and development; they also help cells and organs do their jobs. For our bodies to work at the top of its ability its essential we give our body the nutrients it needs to help protect us through our diet. The nutrients come from our diet because our bodies cannot make enough of these essential nutrients.

Which is why its importance to eat a variety of healthy foods from all the foods groups. Consuming a perfectly balance diet you will get all the nutrients you need to keep your body working at the very peak of its ability. Peoples needs vary from person to person depending on factors such as metabolism, how active they are, be it through exercise or a physically demanding job, or their growing needs. Physical activities are also part of healthy living.

The essential nutrients are:


Carbohydrates are sugar, starches, and fibre they play a significant role as they provide all the cells and tissues with energy. the two main types of carbohydrates are simple and complex. Simple carbohydrates are found in items such as refined and processed foods and soft drinks, Pastries, white bread, and white rice, as well glucose, fructose and sucrose and concentrate fruit juice. The body breaks simple carbohydrates down quickly. It can also have a negative effect on your blood sugar making it spike rapidly.

Simple carbohydrates will give you a sudden boost of energy and then in a short while your energy will drop. Often leading to consuming more empty calories. You should try and limit simple carbohydrates such as corn syrup, glucose, sucrose, fructose and concentrate fruit juice. Complex carbohydrates hold more nutrients than simple carbohydrates.

Our body digest these more slowly meaning we feel fuller for longer because of the dietary fibre. This makes them good for weight-loss. Our body also needs complex carbohydrates as they support the immune system, the nervous system, brain function and gives us energy to perform tasks, digestive function. Also, because our body digest these more slowly because of the fibre content it helps keep the blood glucose and cholesterol under control. A couple examples of complex carbohydrates would be whole-grains, fruit and vegetables, legumes, and nuts. carbohydrates should make up 45% to 65% of your daily calories.

Fresh berries,


These are essential components that helps build muscles, bones and skin and the body as a whole. Protein builds, replace and supports our body tissues. Protein is needed for structure, function and regulation of the body cells, tissues and organs. Protein are one of three types of nutrients used as an energy sources by the body, with carbohydrates and fats being the other two. The life span of protein is under forty-eight hours. Our body holds around 100,000 different proteins, these are made with different combinations of amino acids. Reliable sources of protein can be found in most animal products as well as nuts, seeds, cereal, quinoa, and grains.


Healthy fats

Dietary fats help to support cell growth and gives our body the fuel it needs to do daily tasks. Fat helps insulate the body and gives protection to our organs. Good dietary fats also known as monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats can be found in most plant foods, tofu, most nuts and seeds, soybeans, animal products and fatty fish such as salmon, sardines, and mackerel. (Fatty fish have omega three and omega 6) these are polyunsaturated fats we need these to stay healthy. These are the fats you should have more often in your diet.

They are known as high-density lipoprotein (HDL) By having these fats in your diet can help lower the risk of heart disease and strokes by lowering bad cholesterol. Omega-6 helps in regulating our gens and helps us to have a stronger immune system. Omega-3 helps withs brain and eye and nerve development in infants. It can also help keep our immune system strong Not all fats are equal saturated fats and trans-fat which are found in fried foods, margarine, biscuits, lard, cakes, some cold meats are bad for us as it raises our low-density lipoprotein (LDL) which is bad cholesterol and puts us at a higher risk of heart disease and stroke.

Trans fat have the same affect but trans fats which are also called trans-fatty acid also lowers good cholesterol. Lipids help to produce hormones and gives us energy. lipids play a crucial role in storing energy. They are a structural element of cell membranes. lipids send a message that binds a protein this is known as signalling. This could be a receptor, phosphatase, or kinase. Lipids are a group of biological molecules including fats, oils, and steroids. Lipides are repelled by water and are known as hydrophobic molecules. There are three main lipids they are Triacylglycerols, phospholipids and sterol.

Vitamins and minerals

Fresh fruit

Fresh fruit aids in weight loss

Vitamin and minerals are also known to form to groups which are micronutrients and macronutrients. Micronutrients which are vitamins and minerals such as selenium, iron, manganese, copper, vitamin A, C, D, E and K along with B vitamins B1, B2, B3,5, B6 (thiamine, riboflavin, niacin, pantothenic) these are only needed in insignificant amounts but are still essential for our health. Macronutrients are the nutrients we need in a larger amount.

They are fats, (broken down into fatty acids). Protein (broken down to amino acids) and carbohydrates (broken down into glucose) They give us energy which is needed to preform task such as daily activities and to support body functions. Consuming a perfectly balance diet should ensure you get all the nutrients you need. Both micronutrients and macronutrients are both essential nutrients which our body cannot make enough of by itself. People can get their essential nutrients in their diet by consuming a variety of foods which will supply a wide selection of vitamins and minerals. There are also iodine and fluorine these two are known as trace elements as our body only needs tiny amount. Sometimes supplements are needed but you should take medical advice before taking them.



Water can aid in weight loss

Our bodies cannot produce the amount of water we need. Which is why it is an essential nutrient. All biochemical reactions occur in water. our body uses water for many things such as bowel movement, water delivers importance nutrients to our cells, it is how sweat regulates our body temperature be it through exercising or in a hot climate, helping brain functions. It helps create saliva at an excellent rate which can help stop tooth decay.

It stops muscle fatigue; it helps with digestion as it flushes out Sodium that leads to fluid retention. It also helps in detoxifying by moving toxin quickly through our body It also protects your tissues; spinal cord and it helps to keep your joints lubricated and flexible. We should all aim to drink around six to eight glasses of water a day.

Getting your water from food. 

This does not necessarily have to be water but other liquids such as coffee and tea. As well as some juices and sports drinks. But be aware of the sugar contents. You can also get some of the water you need from the food you eat. Spinach, watermelon, cucumber, broccoli, apples, oranges are just amongst a variety of high-water content foods that can help you stay hydrated throughout your day. Staying hydrated is also good for weight loss as having a glass of water when you feel hungry can often take the hunger craving away. Staying hydrated also lowers the risk of cardiovascular disease.

To make sure you are getting all of your essential nutrients book a free consultation today with one of our registered nutritional therapist here at A.C.S nutritional therapist and weight loss specialist.

Contact us and start your weight management journey today. Please share our blogs with your friends and family on your socials. and leave a comment letting us know if you think you are getting all of your essential nutrients 

By Aaron Christopher Slade


A.C.S weight loss specialist

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